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Scarlette Sanders: Be a Better YOU!

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Scarlette Sander, 22, is a trainer, fitness enthusiast, and Nutrishop Team member who got into fitness and healthy living in 2019. Unhappy with where she was physically and mentally, she started working out regularly to help her with both areas. “I wanted to GROW; I wanted change, so I went for it!” she said. We caught up with her during her busy schedule to find out more about her motivation, her training tips, and even her favorite cheat meal! For more, follow her on IG @scarlettesander.

Why does being fit and healthy matter to you? 

Being fit and healthy matters to me for so many reasons. It keeps me balanced and happy. It brings out more confidence in me while also teaching me better habits for life in general. Also, we are exposed to so many bad chemicals that we aren’t even aware of and we only have one body our whole life, so it’s important to take care of YOU! 

What has been one of the greatest challenges you’ve faced and how did you overcome it? 

One of the biggest challenges I have faced is probably weight gain. I wanted to gain weight but my relationship with food wasn’t the best considering I struggled with low appetite and then when I was able to gain weight, I would get nervous and start to pick myself apart because the change wasn’t comfortable to me. I overcame it by finding a lot of love within myself. I practiced appreciating my body in all stages and told myself that nothing changes if nothing changes, so I created a better mental space for myself. 

When times get tough, how do you stay motivated? 

I may not always be motivated, but because I stayed consistent, disciplined, and determined for so long, it’s become a habit. I also give myself little pep talks, which consist of reminding myself that my body depends on me and it deserves to move. 

How have Nutrishop supplements helped you in your fitness journey? 

Nutrishop supplements have helped me immensely. They’ve helped boost my energy, regulate my mood, focus better, and have also helped a lot with building muscle and maintaining it.

What supplements are you taking and which ones are your favorite?  

I'm currently taking RENOV8 High Stim, Daily Detox, BCAAs, Multi-Source Collagen Peptides, Gut Formula, Omega 3s, PRO7EIN Synthesis. My two favorite supplements are RENOV8 pre-workout because of the pump and energy it gives me to have a successful gym session and Daily Detox. I start my day drinking it, and it makes me feel refreshed.

What does being a part of Team Nutrishop mean to you? 

Being a part of the Nutrishop team really means so much to me. I love being a part of a team that is passionate about the same things as I am. Also, how supporting, hard-working, and loving everyone is. The Nutrishop team makes you feel so welcomed and even more motivated. 

What are your top five training tips for someone looking to get in great shape? 

  1. Your body can do more than you think. It’s your mind you have to convince. Don’t underestimate yourself!
  2. Do not ever ever ever compare yourself to anyone. Work towards a better version of you, not someone else.
  3. It’s okay to make mistakes. That’s how you grow.
  4. Some changes are harder to make or see so don’t be discouraged, just keep going and stay patient.
  5. Focus more on form and how many reps you get in rather than how much weight you’re doing!

What is the most important piece of advice you would offer to someone who wants to be like you? 

The best piece of advice for someone trying to be like me is DON’T! Don’t try to be like me. Try to be a better YOU! Make room for improvement in every area of your life and work towards that, but don’t try to be like anyone else but yourself. 

Favorite quote or mantra?

“Even as you make progress, you need the discipline to keep from backtracking and sabotaging the success as it’s happening” - Nipsey Hussle 

“A Living light, Eternal Love” - Jhene Aiko

Top 3 songs you listen to when working out? 

  1. Die trying - Key Glock
  2. I do this - Nipsey Hussle
  3. Top Priority- Lil Baby

Favorite cheat meal?

Chow mein and fried rice.

Favorite healthy snack?

Rice cakes with Greek yogurt and strawberries.

What is your training routine like each week? 

  • Monday: Stretching and cardio
  • Tuesday: Hammies and glutes
  • Wednesday: Shoulders and triceps
  • Thursday: Quads
  • Friday: Back and biceps
  • Saturday: Full body or legs

What is your most notable achievement?

My most notable achievement is overcoming depression!

Future goals? 

My future goal is to own a gym and create a beautiful foundation around it.