Tine Moore posing in nutrishop merch

Tine Moore Tells All

Tine (Christine) Moore was born a Christmas baby 35 years ago. She played sports since she was age five and started collecting accolade after accolade as an athlete, including a scholarship. She blew out her knee just before starting college and had to sit the bench. It was during this time she started working out more with weights and eventually competed in a figure competition. She also became a personal trainer/coach and absolutely loves teaching and coaching her clients to take it to the next level. Tine not only starred on the field for years in the Legends Football League, traveling all over the world, but she is also an ambassador for the Nutrishop brand. We caught up with her for a little Q&A session. Here, she tells all. 

How did you get involved in fitness and coaching and how long have you been doing it?

I got into fitness because of sports. I started playing sports very young (5 years old), so I've always been really active. I received a scholarship to play soccer in college. However, in my senior year of high school, I ended up blowing out my knee. I had to redshirt my freshman year of college and focus on my recovery. While I was rehabbing back, I couldn't do too much on the field, so instead, I got really into the gym aspect. It started with powerlifting. Then I had a friend who had begun to compete in bodybuilding. I loved her transformation and thought I could do that as well. 

I started researching anything and everything about nutrition and competing and applying it. I lost 20 pounds and competed in my first figure competition. It was at that time I decided I wanted to be able to help other people do the same thing I did, and now I've been a certified personal trainer/coach for the last 14 years. After college and many figure competitions later, I was really missing being part of a team and playing sports. I discovered the Legends Football League (LFL) through a bodybuilding friend who played and suggested I try out. Randomly a game was on TV one night, and I mentioned to my roommate at the time that I thought I could play for them. Coincidentally, she knew the assistant coach. 

That night we ran into him and asked him what I had to do to get on the team. They brought me out to a practice and I played in my first game nearly a week later. I truly feel like football was the sport I was meant to play but never had an avenue to do it. Ever since then, the LFL has been a huge part of my life. I got the opportunity to travel the world and play in front of thousands of fans but most importantly made some lifelong friendships. 

What is the best part about what you do as a social media influencer/coach?

Social media encourages me to be creative, pushes me outside my comfort zone, and allows me to relate to other people. Having the opportunity to influence and be impactful to others is like icing on the cake. Coaching is all about building relationships. I want people to feel amazing when they leave my sessions. So I'm passionate about helping people push their minds and bodies to their limits and teaching them how to tap into their "next level." It's easy to go through the motions, but everyone has this next level that can push you through even when things are super difficult. I love being able to bring that out of people.

What has been one of the greatest challenges you've faced, and how did you overcome it?

I have experienced so many challenges, but one that stands out to me was when I decided to move to Florida after living in Seattle, WA most of my life. I moved out to Florida by myself, away from any family or friends. So essentially, I had to start over and rebuild my network in a brand new city/state. It really challenged me to grow outside my comfort zone, meet new people, build new relationships, do things I've never done before and experience new and different cultures. 

It was HARD. There were many times I felt like just scrapping it all and moving back. At that point, I hit a crossroads and gave myself a time frame to put my all into building a new life and I'm so grateful that I didn't give up. It turned out to create amazing opportunities. I found Orangetheory, which propelled me to the top of my career and really allowed me to accomplish so many things I would never have done had I stayed in my comfort zone. I learned that overcoming challenges begins and ends with your mindset. Find something positive in your challenges and focus on that. If I would have focused on how difficult things were, I may have let that hold me back, focusing on the opportunities I had changed my mentality and helped me find purpose and learn from the challenges I've faced. There is always a reason for everything!

How have Nutrishop supplements helped you in your fitness journey?

Being a part of team Nutrishop has helped hold me accountable. I truly love the products, so it's important to me to understand how they feel and how my body responds to them. I wouldn't want to be consistently taking the products without a purpose and not allowing them to perform at their best, so it's forced me to step my game up…and I love it! :-) I feel so much better internally, and it also helps with consistency in my days. It's like a daily reminder to stay on top of your game!

What is your favorite Nutrishop supplement or supplement stack so far and why?

DAILY DETOX is my baby! I love her! The first time I ordered, I used it daily for a week straight and I was amazed at how much it helped decrease my bloat. (I took some pictures! It was crazy.) It just overall makes you feel so much better and it's the one product I HAVE to have in stock at all times.

RESTOR is Mr. reliable. I live a fast-paced life and my body is really affected by stress. I got this because it was mentioned in one of our athlete webinars and within the first week, it made a difference in my sleep and my overall mood.

MERK is the perfect vibe for an intense workout. I've tried a lot of different pre-workouts and for me, this one gives me a good pump and good energy with just the right amount of tingle. She gets the job done every single time!

EVO9INE is in a league of her own. These are the best tasting EAA's I've ever had (bold statement, but it's real!). Really tastes sooo good. Drink it with crushed ice and your life will be changed. 

What does being a part of Team Nutrishop mean to you?

I feel fortunate to be a part of such a great team. It's so fulfilling to be a part of something that is encouraging and positive. I feel like my opportunity to be a part of team Nutrishop was a blessing. It happened when I needed some new direction and focus and ignited a new fire within me. I have taken hundreds of different supplements throughout my bodybuilding career and worked with other companies that I never felt a personal connection with or felt the desire to be loyal to. Nutrishop has proved to be different. Everything from their mission, to their exclusive quality products, to the people I've had the opportunity to meet within the company, everything about this team has impacted me in a short amount of time. It makes me feel proud to be a part of a team like this, and I can't wait to continue to grow with them!

When times get tough, how do you stay motivated?

This past year or so, in general, has been very challenging for most people. I definitely felt the effects. And I'll be real and say that I wasn't motivated all the time but reminding myself to be grateful for the things I have and that are within my control was helpful. Also, setting mini-goals for myself, trying new things, and doing things that bring me joy and happiness can help with motivation so that nothing feels like a chore.

Who inspires you and why?  

My family! My sister is a huge inspiration to me. She is one of the smartest, kindest, and most genuine people I know. Currently, she is going through a very difficult challenge, and the way she is handling it inspires me to keep going. Family is so important to me; they constantly provide support. My mother speaks life into me, always reminding me that anything is truly possible if I have faith. My father would work long days and even up to the day he retired had love and passion for what he was doing. He would never let me give up on anything, even when things didn't go the way I was hoping he always encouraged me to learn from it but be relentless in my pursuit towards my goals and, most importantly, be a kind person while doing it. 

Tine Moore sitting with a nutrishop bottle

What are your top five training tips for someone looking to get in great shape?

  1. Map out a master plan - set a specific goal.
  2. Be consistent and put in the work. Push your limits. You will feel powerful.
  3. Be disciplined. Don't make excuses; keep it real with yourself and if you mess up, put it in the past and keep it pushing forward.

What is the most important piece of advice you would offer to someone who wants to be like you?

Never stop trying. Be relentless. Accept your failures, learn from them, and grow. Love yourself and don't be afraid to be you. Live life to the fullest. You only get one!

Favorite quote or mantra? 

"Keep calm and carry on." "Be strong and courageous."

Top 3 songs you listen to when working out?

This is so hard because my vibe is different all the time…I LOVE music. It's probably involved in 80% of the things I do. House, hip hop and R&B are usually my go-to's. But I'll share a few of my go-to songs that always have me ready to work!

  1. Can't Nobody Hold Me Down - Puff Daddy and the family
  2. Never Recover - Lil Baby, Gunna, Drake
  3. Survivor - Jack Back

Favorite cheat meal? 

I have three go-to's that are on a heavy rotation in no particular order: Pizza, Western Bacon Cheeseburger with sweet potato fries, and tacos with chips and guac. Oh, and wine, there's that too! ;-)

Favorite healthy snack? 

I eat a relatively low-carb, higher-fat diet, so some of my favorites are cottage cheese/Greek yogurt with berries and nut butter, celery with jalapeño cream cheese or hummus, nuts, and I also love protein bars. I just tried the Source Bar and it's delicious.

What is your training routine like each week?

It varies on what I do, but I usually try to fit in three Orangetheory Classes per week and do three to four training sessions. I always do two leg days, and the other days are filled with upper body (whatever isn't too sore from my Orangetheory classes).

I play flag football, too, so I include that in my workout volume.

What is your most notable achievement?

I wouldn't say I have a most notable achievement. A few things that I'm really proud of were getting a scholarship to play Division 1 collegiate soccer, receiving my MBA in Project Management, being named to the LFL All Fantasy team multiple times at different positions, surpassing 2000 classes coached for Orangetheory, qualifying for Nationals as an NPC figure competitor and getting invited to compete at the Arnold Amateur, and helping inspire hundreds of people to be their best self through fitness.

Future goals?

Just continue to push my limits. I've been working to grow my online presence, so Nutrishop has helped me with that. I set new goals every month for personal growth. But one big future goal I have is to be a franchise owner for an Orangetheory.