chanel scweer with her hands on her head

Chanel Schweer Is On a Mission

We caught up with Chanel Schweer to ask questions about what keeps her motivated, what her favorite Nutrishop supplements are, who inspires her, and more.

Chanel Schweer, 35, is a former collegiate athlete who received a full scholarship to play D-1 softball at Syracuse University in New York. She is also a former pro bodybuilder who dealt with some negative aspects of the sport including overtraining issues, an unhealthy relationship with food, and body dysmorphia. Today, she is a personal trainer with a healthy relationship with food and exercise and is on a mission to build up her online presence (@ChanelMarie_Fit on TikTok and IG) so she can help people all over the world look and feel their best through fitness.

How did you get involved in fitness and how long have you been doing it?

My father was a bodybuilder in college and I began going to the gym with him at the age of 12 learning the ins-and-outs of weightlifting. He would have me doing walking lunges with dumbbells in the outdoor sand volleyball court, Pullups, and running track sprints at the local junior high. It was apparent that the extra training was paying off during my sports competitions. I decided to become professionally certified in fitness in 2008 when I was living in Holland playing softball. Upon return, I began personal training at Gold’s Gym in Simi Valley. 

Why does being fit and healthy matter to you?

Fitness has been ingrained in me from a very young age. I played many sports growing up and for me, fitness started as a way to gain speed, agility, and strength to improve in my athleticism. In my early 20’s, fitness evolved into achieving an aesthetic look to compete in bodybuilding shows (NPC Figure). Fitness and exercise test me mentally and make me work beyond what I think I am mentally and physically capable of doing. I exercise when I am happy, stressed, sad, lonely, etc. It has always been a therapeutic outlet for me. 

What has been one of the greatest challenges you’ve faced and how did you overcome it?

I believe when I was young and training hard, my results were illustrated through my performance. When sports were no longer an option, and I turned to bodybuilding competitions, fitness had to change for me. I had to use a different training style, more science, nutrition, and restriction to manipulate my body to look a certain way. Achieving that peak physical physique did not mean I was mentally okay. After competing in six competitions, I had to deal with overtraining symptoms, body dysmorphia, and an unhealthy relationship with food. I had to learn to take it slow, learn how to balance my diet, and remember that 8% body fat is not healthy year around. I took lots of time off and fell back in love with working out and how I wanted to train. 

When times get tough, how do you stay motivated?

I like to think I am consistent if not motivated. One rule I have is to “just show up.” I start walking or I get to the gym and give myself 10-15 minutes of solid effort and if I am still not feeling it, I will take the day off. But, 97% of the time, I get fired up and finish the exercise. I never regret a workout.

Who inspires you and why?

This is tough. I get MOTIVATED by certain fitness aesthetics on social media, but INSPIRED is different for me in my 30’s than it was in my 20’s. I get inspired by women who are great moms, wives, and businesswomen. Juggling it all AND looking fabulous is truly inspiring. 

Chanel Schweer, personal trainer and Nutrishop Brand Ambassador, pictured with Headstrong Pre-Workout.

Nutrishop supplements currently taking? 

Modern Source Plant-Based Protein, BCAA Sport, Betabol, Thermovex, Somnilean, Gamma Lean, Gut Formula, Detoxin.

How have Nutrishop supplements helped you in your fitness journey?

I have been able to utilize Nutrishop’s thermogenics to aid in my fat loss goals. I love taking their pre-workout and BCAA’s as I feel they really level up the intensity during my training. I incorporate the super greens in my family’s smoothies and Somnilean before bed to help me sleep better and recover. 

What is your favorite Nutrishop supplement or supplement stack so far and why?

I like the ‘Strength and Lean Muscle Stack’ the best because these supplements offer the ingredients I need to help build lean muscle, which, in return, burns more fat. I am already doing the work and eating well, but these products give me an extra boost in the gains category. 

What does being a part of Team Nutrishop mean to you?

I have been with Nutrishop for over 10 years. I have had offers from other supplement companies, but I do not believe their products can stand up to the products Nutrishop offers. The athletes I have met along the way are truly the best, not just as athletes but as people. I have kept in touch with many of them throughout the decade through marriages, babies, career changes, and significant life events. It really feels like a family. A family where everyone loves health and fitness and encourages each other. 

What are your top five training tips for someone looking to get in great shape?

  1. Write out a SMART goal )specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-based).
  2. Do not overcomplicate an exercise routine.
  3. Do not be afraid of weightlifting.
  4. No one is looking at you in the gym. They are more worried about themselves.
  5. You cannot out-train a bad diet.

What is the most important piece of advice you would offer to someone who wants to be like you?

Tough one. Our past helps shape who we are in the current moment. I would say, lead with gratitude and positive self-talk. Always do the right thing. Have a solid diet and fitness plan. Dream big and challenge yourself by stepping into what may be uncomfortable but could change your life for the better. Lastly, do things that fill your soul with peace and inspiration.

Favorite quote or mantra?

“I can do hard things.” I tell myself this daily sometimes. Challenge yourself always.

Top 3 songs you listen to when working out?

Plan B - Megan the Stallion, Interbloom - What so not Remix - Rufus Du Sol, and We Ready - Archie Eversole

Favorite cheat meal?

True Napoli style pizza and a nice glass of red wine.

Favorite healthy snack?

Hardball eggs and Bitchin' Sauce or Ahi Poke

What is your training routine like each week?

I stick to full-body HIIT 4 days a week. I train like an athlete: lots of functional movements and fun training toys. I will incorporate bodyweight movements and heavy lifts. In between training days, I walk 3.5 miles and listen to a book on tape or podcast. 

What is your most notable achievement?

Personally, having my son. In fitness, receiving a full ride scholarship to play D1 Softball at Syracuse University in New York and receiving First Team all Conference my Junior year. I was a pitcher and Center Field.

Anything else?

Find movement that you are passionate about and do it daily. Setting aside time for yourself to get healthy or achieve the body you want takes effort and dedication. You might not always be motivated, but nothing changes if nothing changes. Wake up earlier. Prep your meals. Drink the water. Write down your goals and look at them daily. If you mess up, try again the next day. You got this!